SoMeWhErE OnLy We KnOw
................:::::::::: SoMeWhErE OnLy wE KnOw ::::::::::................
ThE dIaRy, pHoTo AlbUm & YeArbOoK ExCuLsIvEly FoR uS 7 GaLs.. aN ImPrInT FrOm OuR pAtH oF FrIeNdShIp aS wE tAkE eAcH StEp TogEthEr..

Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Happy Birthday Jos
I remember your laughs, remember your frown.
Miss the moments we crazed around town.
Etched and frozen never forgotten
Till the day we meet in heaven.
On your special day, happy birthday ..

With love, Ting~

posted by Us Gals @ 12:12 AM   0 comments
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Revival of our blog.. With our Phuket trip photos!
Firstly, I start off with Kudos to our professional photographer aka selfie and wefie queen for the amazing photos, beautiful angles and flattering shots. Thank you "Tri-yan" ! This is unbelievably actually our very first "Ng Tri-yan and gang" girlies trip overseas (excluding Batam) in 19 years. Just us girls, the original ones from class 1/2 and 1/4.

It's been an amazing one, and one that came at the right time. For all of us to take a break from the stresses of daily life, hustle and bustle of the high pressured fast paced city life and the silent thoughts/worries often buried in the very depths of our minds behind the smiles and laughter. Sipping the wine whilst overlooking the beautiful scenery from the pool/poolside both during day and night was such a luxury, a luxury of peace and tranquillity for thoughts to flow & breathe, with the company of the ones who would know your thoughts even through the silence.

At the same time the trip was also filled with laughter, from the "special moments" and I'm thinking about the "over-sized river fish" and "soaked up bread loaf" and "kuku tilted mushroom" and "Pained flying Monkey" from our ATV/rafting/Flying fox adventures, drowning ourselves in Sunblock whilst one individual kept trying to "catch the sun" to toast herself in, how we should walk slowly because we are on a holiday and our Long March for freedom.. oops not freedom but a good spa/massage.. and I hold fish and bread responsible for the torture.. Memories that will remain etched to my mind.. for a very long time.

As I always believe a picture speaks a thousand words, so the enjoy the 200,000 words below! I'm really looking forward the next trip together.. a place lesser houseflies and haggling.. hopefully Goldcoast! *wink*



posted by Us Gals @ 2:16 PM   1 comments
About Us

Us GirLs
JoSceLiN a part of us has since left us on 29/10/03,Deeply missed and remembered

....::::: A LiTtLe AbT uS :::::....

TiFfE: A PlUmP "ShA dA jIe" BEcOmE ThE sLeNdEr, MeSmErIzInG AnD cApAbLe PrOpeRtY AgEnT

PY: A FulL oF CrAzY-IdeAs , HuMouRoUs, LiC & BoM's eXcLuSiVe "BuLly" BeCoMe ThE FrEe SpRiTeD, InDePeNdeNt HoBo

JeReLyN: A verI noTi, DariNG and pLayfUl gaL beCoMe a SensiBle, cApAble YounG laDy.. A gAL wHo TrulY caREs for HeR FrenZs AnD CaN bE CouNtEd oN in TimeS of NeeD

JoScELiN: ThE AlWaYs ReMemBeReD & eVeR DeEpLy MiSsEd, KiNd, LoViNg , ChEeRfUl, PeT LoViNg (EvEn SoFt ToYs) AnGeL

JoAnNa: A pAmPeReD PrINcEsS bEcOmE SpEcIaL NeEdS ChiLdReN TeAcHeR

KaReN: A GeNtLe TiMiD DoE BeCuM InDePeNdaNT, StRonG LaDy & InSigHtFuL ReMiSiEr

ALiCiA: A hUmAn SoToNg BeCoMe a Law EnfoRcer

See Our complete profile

In LoVing MeMory oF Jos.. We Love You!
PrEvIoUs PoSt

It's our lives
It's now or never
We ain't gonna live forever
We just want to live while We're alive..

CoFfEe TaLk
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